Monday, July 28, 2008

Mormon Times stories

I wrote two stories over the weekend:

The Pioneer Heritage Festival on Saturday.

The Ogden Stake Centennial celebration on Sunday.

Happy trails to you!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Anyone know how to put up links to other blogs?

We're dumbfounded.

We're also trying to put up a photo gallery, but can't figure out how to get our photos in the gallery.

Is it sad when all my younger sisters are more computer savvy than their eldest sister?

Perhaps Emily will be so kind as to give me a lesson in the matter someday.

Oh, well. At least I can try to talk like Edward.

This is the most recent picture of Ben and me, taken at the "Wilson family photo" last week!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Musical Maddie

This is a player piano at Ben's sister Becky's house. It is a lot of fun to be able to pump the pedals and make music. Tommy is our nephew he is on the bench next to maddie.

The Sky Is Falling

I don't know how many of you heard about the crazy weather that hit the Stapley and Wilson households this past week but it was amazing. 1/4"+ hail and rain that just wouldn't stop. The Stapley's even had some flooding in the basement. Thank goodness it didn't cause much damage. Anyway to get to the point, I was working in Fruit Heights that day when Maddie called to tell me about the weather. So I made my way out to the deck where there is quite the view of the valley, and well this is what I saw...the sky was falling.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Holy Crow!

I have three stories on the home page today!

The first one is about Marvin Perkins' interview to air on CNN.

The second is about the Odgen Stake Centennial anniversary.

The third is a book review for Glory From on High.

There is also a story (that I did not write) about a new satirical blog that I absolutely love! But, beware. If you can't handle criticism, sarcasm or satire, don't read it. It just cracks me up, though!

Hope you've got your reading glasses on!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Well, I remembered this time

OK. I've forgotten to post about a couple of stories withing the last week. Oopla. But today I remembered! I have a story on about a very inspiring young woman who I was lucky to meet yesterday!

Take a look!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thanks for the tip, Haley

Thanks to a suggestion from Haley, I am going to strive with all my might to post whenever I have a story on (Although I wish I would have thought of this earlier. I'm now almost finished with my internship.)

For all the family history buffs out there, there is a new application to help you greatly with your research!! If you want to hear more, read my story today at

Ancestors, here we come!

Monday, July 7, 2008


A picture I stole from Haley. Ben was so lucky to see a member (who is now a missionary) from his mission! They saw each other at Grandma's on the 4th of July and talked forever in French. Buenas dias Benji! (I'm supposed to be working, so I can't write anything more.)