Monday, June 16, 2008

The Late Shift

The life of a journalist includes some late nights. I'm currently being trained on the 4 p.m. to midnight shift, so I've been working late quite a bit. Every night at 12 a.m., a whole bunch of stuff has to be loaded on the Deseret News Web site, so here I am blogging!

There's always some free time, because there's not much else you can do on the night shift that you usually can during the day - like interviews, phone calls, etc.

I wish I had some pictures to put up or something, but I don't. But maybe I could go get some off of Facebook, that magical wonderful place.

By the way, did I mention how creepy downtown is at midnight? Especially when you have to walk down a dark alleyway and into a big scary parking structure, which, by that time, is completely and eerily empty. Why do things seem so different in the dark?

Here's cowboy Ben and cowgirl Maddie from last summer.


Nedge said...

uh, maddie, maybe you shouldn't be walking around at midnight downtown. That's plain dangerous!

Have your lovely husband pick you up at the door...

Emily Stapley said...

i agree with natalie.
i would cry if a monster scared you!