Saturday, October 4, 2008

BYU = Overrated

YBU when you can be USU?

We went to perhaps the most exhilarating football game I've ever experienced! What's really crazy is that our team even lost. By a lot.

There's something surprisingly satisfying about cheering on a group of guys who, for years, have been pretty much in the depths of despair. They score one touchdown and it's like they just won the Super Bowl! And when they score two touchdowns against a number 8 or whatever the heck they are team, it's like all the fans have died and gone to heaven!

That would be just plenty, but then our small but fiesty Aggies went on to saturate the fans with 2 interceptions (on the once upon a time "Heisman candidate" Hall even), one awesome field goal block, and, the greatest of all, a serious sack to the "beloved" guy who wears #15.

The vision of fat linemen struggling to chase our small, wiry quarterback will forever be engrained in my head.
Seriously, is that any way that highly ranked of a team should be playing? I mean, consider the competition! (No offense meant toward USU)

To the fighting Aggie football team: know that we're rootin' for you! We believe in you! And, um, THANK YOU FOR BEATING UP ON THAT TEAM FROM DOWN SOUTH! Anyone who causes them emotional or physical pain (which they felt both of yesterday, for sure) will instantly become my hero.

"Show me a true-blooded Aggie in Utah, and I'll show you a place where the sage brush grows."


Nedge said...

I absolutely love Utah State. Even though I go to the U. Utah state has the best creamery, no matter what some silly ignorant BYU fan says.

And the campus up there is waaaaay prettier.

Old Warrior said...

"BYU=Overrated"? Sorry, Maddie, I thought you dealt in "news". That is not anything new at all...

Staples said...


japetersen said...

I liked how YBU croaked in horned frog land.
Auntie Judy