I had to post something so that the nasty "tonsil" entry would not show up at the top of my blog anymore.
Ben has really gotten to know the LDS Conference Center grounds in Salt Lake City very well as he has been working there this summer. His grounds crew started putting up the famous Temple Square Christmas lights in August, and recently got to start using lifts to put up the lights in the tall trees.

It's a different point of view from 40 feet up in the lifts, he says. Here is a picture he snapped while in a lift:

He's seen some real characters while working downtown, too. Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve frequently walks from his apartment north of the Conference Center to attend his meetings at the Temple. One time, he had to help Ben's crew, as they got locked outside of the building. Of course, Elder Perry's keys can open pretty much all the doors around there.
Then there was the "mentally challenged" man who stood on the corner of Temple Square wearing the sacred Temple clothing, that church members are urged not to display in public. He just stood there; he didn't say anything or try to start any fights. Apparently, according to a Temple Square security guard, during this time, he was not taking his medication. He finally started taking it again, and has not been seen on the corner since.
It's been quite the job for Ben.