Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back in the water again

I decided to join the University of Utah swim team again.

So I showed up at practice, and, magically, I could swim even better than I used to. I didn't get tired and my butterfly was technically perfect. My second kick really made me move.

The coach was very nice and encouraging.

Man, it felt good to be back in the water again!

I decided to go under water and swim one of the lengths pretending I was a mermaid, just like I loved to do when I was little.

Wait just a second. The thought burst into my head: "I'm wearing my underwear! Aaaahhhhh! No wonder everyone is staring at me like I'm a creepo!"

Then the next thought burst into my head: "What time is it???!!! I need to go feed Cole! I haven't fed him for a long time! How long have I been here swimming?!?"

I've gotta go -- I don't care who sees me in my wet underwear. Where did the locker room go? Why are there all these offices on the pool deck?

There's the locker room. But it's roped off. What's going on? Oh look -- another girl just went under the rope into the locker room. I'll do the same.

Man, I forgot how big this locker room is. Where did I put my stuff? My foot tickles. What's on it -- a piece of string? NO -- It's a red SPIDER! I look around and the ground alive, heaving like waves on the ocean. But the waves are made up of red SPIDERS! Now I know why the locker room was roped off! I HATE SPIDERS! Panic mode starts.

Dad! There's my dad! He comes and lifts me up above the spiders! Thanks Dad! He takes me to my locker with all my clothes.

"Dad, where's Cole? I need to go feed him! He must be so hungry!"

"Uh, I don't know," is the only answer I get from my Dad.

This is dream, by the way, in case anyone is still reading this and hasn't figured it out yet. It's one of those dreams that is so vivid I can't forget about it. And I wish I could.

To top things off, this morning while I really was feeding Cole (thank goodness), what do you think I see out of the corner of my eye in our bedroom? A RED spider! Running across the floorboard. But because I was feeding Cole I couldn't stand up to get it! I hurried and finished, put Cole on the bed, and tried to find where the spider went. With no luck.

So there is an evil malicious spider lurking around somewhere in our room where my little Cole is sound asleep in his crib right now.

Did I mention I HATE SPIDERS! So badly that I felt the need to actually enter the blogging world to vent about them.


Nedge said...

Ha ha ha! The carpet in the locker room is red...So that makes sense. :)

Man, I wish you did come and join the team! How awesome would that be?!

Auds Beck said...

Maddie-You are awesome!! I love reading you blog even though I don't do it enough! I love how some dreams are like that and you really have to wake yourself up and get out of it. Glad Cole is o.k. and maybe that spider has found a different nesting ground. Get some pics of your new place up when you get a sec!!

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful news..Happy for you..

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