Friday, March 6, 2009

3 BEBs in 30 minutes

The good news is that I got a real desk at work! For six months, I’ve been sitting cramped in a small desk tightly surrounded by five others, with no room to stretch your legs out, and room enough to put maybe one sheet of paper on the desk’s empty space. But, now, I have a BIG person desk, and it’s by a WINDOW overlooking the Cache Valley and Wellsville Mountains!! No one has sat there since I’ve worked here (don’t ask me why), and it was really dusty and grimy, so it took a long time to clean, but now it’s spotless! I really appreciate it, but there is one MAJOR MAJOR problem: The boxelder bugs breed somewhere near this desk. Somewhere up above, actually. Every once in a while it rains boxelder bugs. They fall from the ceiling, and I don’t get it. Why do they have to fall from the ceiling? IT’S MAKING ME CRAZY. In 30 minutes, I have battled with three of them. And only one stayed dead. The other two came back to life. One’s on the floor somewhere, probably climbing up my pant leg, and one is in the window sill. The window sill one only has use of its front legs, though, so we’ll see how long it lasts. I hate boxelder bugs, I hate boxelder bugs, I hate boxelder bugs, I hate boxelder bugs, I hate boxelder bugs. It’s very creepy watching this boxelder climb up the window using only its front legs.

So, Utah State University is taking a mandatory furlough next week. That means no work! But also, no pay. Not that I usually get any pay when I don’t work. No one gets pay for this temporary leave of absence.

Natalie and I are going to hang out with David Archuleta. Yeah, he loves us. He’s going to sing to us.

OH! ANOTHER BOXELDER SIGHTING! Up the wall, moving at lightning speed, this new boxelder is determined! How are those little stringy legs able to fly up the wall like that! I know what it’s thinking. It’s going to climb to the ceiling and fall on my head or down my shirt! Can somebody please help me?? Tell me how to beat these boxelders! Please! They’re trying to ruin my life! Here it comes, it’s on the ceiling now … almost above my head now … I’m waiting … It’s above me … I’d better close my mouth … My armpits are damp …


Nedge said...

Ha ha ha ha! I love this post! I can just see your nervous little face (it resembles constipation face)! Ha ha ha!

Way to go about the desk, though. I bet it's way nice.

Lauren said...

You should get some of the anti bug sent things to set on your desk. I HATE HATE HATE HATE box elder bugs!

Bing Math said...

Congratulations on getting a REAL desk. That's exciting. Maybe now you can put two pieces of paper on the empty space of your desk. I woul take some bug spray and put an end to it.