Friday, March 27, 2009

We love you, Da-a-vid, oh yes we do

This is what makes David Archuleta incredible:

So, at his concert at the "E" Center Friday night, David performed a medley of his favorite songs from the 90s and later. One of those songs was the totally awesome, "I'm Yours," by Jason Mraz. Well, the chorus goes:

"Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and (@#*&) you're free" ...

When David came to the swear word part, the audience hushed momentarily, wondering if he would actually say it. I felt the tension. Would this Mormon hero say the word because that's how the song is written? Really, it wouldn't be that big of a deal -- it's not like it's the mother of all swear words he would be singing. But, David! What would he do? What kind of a person would he show himself to be in front of those thousands of (mostly women, lets face it) young, middle and even old-aged people staring, waiting for thier hopes to be either withheld or somewhat dented? It probably wouldn't cause a huge gaping hole, just a small chip.

But David saved the day!!!! He very cleverly and almost unnoticably changed the lyric to:

"Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and then you're free" ...

I commend you for that, David! Thank you! Such a small act made a great impression on me. I'm sure, with his success, it can be so easy to give in to worldly standards. Nobody would apprehend him. More people would probably accept him.

I remember hearing a member of the Mormon singing group, Jericho Road, speaking at a fireside once. One of the group members said in his talk -- with the exact deep voice of the lion Mufassa from Disney's The Lion King -- "Remember who you are." I feel like that's what David has done: he's remembered who he is; what he believes to be true and perhaps some standards he has set for himself. And he is holding true to them.

What a great example David showed to the group of little pig-tailed girls I saw dancing and singing at his concert. Be true to yourself. It's a hard lesson to learn.

David's voice was beautiful and his smile genuine. Keep it up, Archuleta! "Remember," and I will try to do the same. I'm rooting for you!

And thanks, Natalie! I had a BLAST at the concert with you!


Danielle said...

how fun!! I am glad you had a good time

Nedge said...

Aw, so cute! It looked like fun.