Thursday, December 6, 2007

Welcome to cyber space

Buenos dias! Unfortunately, this is our second attempt at making our first post on this blog. Ben and I created it yesterday, and I typed this magnificient ranting post that took me like 20 minutes and when I went to publish it it got erased somehow! I had a mental breakdown and testified to Ben that I would never blog again. A 24-hour break from the computer has been a good thing for me, though.

So, I have been dying to start a blog, but promised myself I would wait until I graduated to do it so I would do my homework instead of play on the blog. But yesterday Ben talked me into it. He said, "Just do it, Maddie," and I said, without any hesitation, "FINE!!!!" So a day later, here I am.

I have decided to devote this blog exclusively to politics. NOT! Who wants to talk about mules and rhinos all day? I prefer to focus on agricultural people, because I am one! It will be my final mascot. I've been a Ute, a Cougar (NOT a blue one, though), a Wildcat and a Cub. How fun to remember all your mascots. Too bad I wasn't lucky enough to be a Beetdigger or Pioneer, though. You can't have your cake and eat it too, I guess.

Happy first post!


Nedge said...

I have been an Eagle (not Skyline!), a Snow Leopard, a Cougar (a green one), and a Ute.

Interesting. I've been Red-Blue-Green-Red.

I haven't seen any PG-13 stuff yet! Crank 'em out soon! j/k.

I better get started on my huge final paper that's due...tomorrow. Uhhh.... whoops. Good thing it's on my favorite book, Heart of Darkness.

Staples said...

Your weird

Lauren said...

My wish is to be a Yale Bulldog some day.

Annie said...

it's donkeys and elephants - not rhino's.

good think that you aren't talking about politics.