Sometimes I think I may miss this job when we move out of Logan forever in less than two weeks. That's right, we're moving out after Ben graduates. Where to? No idea. Oh, what job offer did Ben get? Does my Dad's offer to let Ben help finish his basement bathroom count? Where is you new apartment? We don't have one. But, yep, we're moving because there is really nothing here in Logan for us anymore. And also, my head began aching slightly, and, as time presses forward, the pain gets more and more raging, keeping me up at night. That is all I'm going to say about that.
Yes, sometimes my stalking people research brings me some big laughs, that actually relieve the aching head for a few amazing moments. Today I came across another Hard News Cafe article that had me just about crying!!
You just have to read this. If you are hurting in some way, laughter can be a very effective medicine, even if it is only for a few magnificient, breathless, tear-inducing moments. Oh, and have you ever tried standing on your head when you have a headache? You should. Trust me. Here's the link for the bus-smashing-face experience:
Madrid, day two :: Museums
5 years ago
I think you're officially a Greg Boyles fan. I think his works are amusing and a little insightful. Gives the rest of us a chuckle when we realize that others, too, have awful days.
I'll be coaching at Kearns in the afternoons. Perhaps I'll get to see you more often this summer! Me so happy.
Holy cow, I did not even realize that the other article I linked to was also by Greg Boyles!!! Wow, maybe I need to meet this kid!
"kid"?? What if he's like, 30 years old?
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