Friday, April 10, 2009

OK, time to humiliate myself

I thought this sounded like fun, but now I'm questioning my mental stability! All of these pictures somehow mysteriously got put on Facebook. (I only added the wedding one!) And so, I thought, why not put them on my blog for yet another public display of embarrassment? OK, not all of them are all that embarrassing, but a some REALLY are. I read in a column in the Utah Statesman (USU's student newspaper) that if you share your embarrassing moments, it will help you overcome the agony of them. Yeah right, or just relive it again and again.

Wedding day. Are my Dad and Grandma Huber OK? ( I know this picture is small, but my Grandma looks distressed and my Dad is sticking his tongue out. )

Whoa yellow shorts. This is my "van group" on the U of U swim team during Christmas training in Florida.

Kendall and Aubrey on the U swim team. They are the reasons I lasted longer than a day on the team.

KHS!!! I look like I'm drowning, but supposedly I'm not. Go Cougars! (The green ones, NOT the ugly blue ones)

OK, EMBARRASSING! (For me, not the other two) Why did we take this picture again? High school swim team, Maddy D, Jen and me. We are very patriotic.

Oh Natalie! She was abused as a child. Me and my sisters! How I love this one! It portrays us each perfectly! Me=kind, nurturing. Emily=confused. Natalie=bruised "Your face looks like a toad" (Lauren said that to Natalie, not me, of course). Lauren=all smiles on the outside, but nothing but evil intentions on the inside, don't let her fool you. Haha!

Moscow, Russia with the swim team from Utah!

Emily and me in Disneyland. Emily USED to be so cute, now she's scary and has really thick hair. (Oh Emily, you know you're my fav sis!)
Wow, that was fun!


Nedge said...

Ha ha ha! My magnifying glass and I enjoyed these pictures!

None of them are truly humilating. But that last one sure has your face down! You like making that face a lot, you know.

Bing Math said...

I can't see these! Why are they so embarassing?

freddyfly said...

:) I actually asked you to take it with me because I didn't want an "individual" picture to go along with our team one. And you shouldn't be embarrassed! I wanted you in there cuz you were one of my best friends! :D I miss you!!